Transforming FinTech with BharatX

Making the experience easier than ever

Discovery Workshop
UX Strategy
UX Design
Usability Testing
Google Docs
The Client

BharatX, a company focusing on revamping the 3-part customer journey for their payment gateway, aimed to enhance user experience and alleviate existing drawbacks in the current flow.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to understand why the BharatX 3-part customer journey was difficult for users to complete. This involved identifying target user groups, learning from user flow, and understanding the duration taken by a user to complete a successful 3-part journey.

The solution

The solution involved a meticulous research plan executed in 5 Phases: Sharpening, Sketching, Shading, Refining, and Framing. This involved user interviews, usability testing, A/B testing, and design adjustments based on collected data to enhance the user experience.

Diving into User Research

Initial user research involved interviewing 13 individuals from diverse family backgrounds to comprehend the potential set of target users for whom the "Pay in 3" feature was ideal. This phase aimed to understand user demographics, most used payment methods, and their preferences regarding the "Pay in 3" feature.

Insightful discoveries

Insights were gathered regarding user challenges and preferences. Common usability issues with the current user flow were identified through usability study observations. Insights regarding information hierarchy, user interface, and user experience were gathered and sorted to inform design decisions.

Validating our designs

Design validation was performed through A/B testing of two prototypes, each presented to a subset of users. Post-testing, users were introduced to alternative designs and asked to fill a SUS questionnaire, which included questions about their preferences and experiences with the tested flows.

Thoughtful Designing

Design considerations included ensuring clarity and simplicity in information presentation, intuitive navigation, and user-friendly interfaces. Feedback from user testing, such as the cluttered first page and the need for a confirmation page before sending a payment request, was taken into account.

Reducing cognitive load

To reduce cognitive load, the design aimed to present information in a clear and straightforward manner, avoiding clutter and ensuring that critical information, such as payment breakdowns, was easily noticeable and understandable.

Smooth Sailing Transactions

Ensuring effortless transactions involved refining the payment process, providing clear CTAs, and ensuring that the user felt secure throughout the process. Feedback about the order of the flow and the need for confirmation before payment request was particularly crucial in this aspect.

A Visual Treat

The visualization of their website was crafted considering user feedback and insights from the usability study. The design aimed to be user-centric, ensuring that it was not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally efficient and secure for users.

The Outcome

Consumer-Friendly Solutions: The “Pay in 3” plan, enabling consumers to manage high-ticket purchases with ease.
User Experience Enhancement: A research-driven, user-centric approach that significantly improved the user journey and experience.

A Financial Boost

BharatX, in its journey, secured a substantial funding of $4.5 million from prominent investors, which was utilized to expand its team and further develop its innovative product offerings. While our collaboration aimed at refining the user experience, BharatX’s innovative solutions and robust business model have also played a pivotal role in its growth and in securing the trust of its investors. The funding, although not recent, has been instrumental in fortifying BharatX’s position in the FinTech sector, enabling it to offer innovative solutions to its users and partners.